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Things to do in Santarém

What to do in Santarém

Located in the highlands, Santarém is a viewpoint over the fertile region of Lezíria, the Tagus river valley known for its agriculture, cattle breeding and bullfighting.

Once known as the capital of the Gothic in Portugal, there are currently several architectural styles that abound the streets of this city, namely in the historic center.

This unique richness makes Santarém a place not to be missed.

The meeting point to start a visit to this quiet city is usually the Portas do Sol garden, the fortification of the old castle where D. Afonso Henriques, first king of Portugal, took the Moors by surprise, on a night climb in 1147. After enjoying the scenery over this viewpoint, we can then start to explore the city and head to the historic centre, where we’ll find the Clock Tower, from the 14th century. Not far is the São João do Alporão Church, transformed into a Museological Center for Art and Archeology, with its headboard built in Gothic style, one of the first examples of the application of this architectural style in Portugal. Thus, begins the journey through Portuguese Gothic, that later evolved into Manueline inspiration, from Nossa Senhora de Marvila Church. Then we have Nossa Senhora da Graça Church, known for its flaming gothic. Right next to this church, we can visit Casa do Brasil, that belonged to the family of Pedro Álvares Cabral (discoverer of Brazil).

Santarém city

Portas do Sol and Bridge 

Walking the streets where we find buildings of Renaissance origin, we arrive at Sá da Bandeira Square, where we’re able to see Nossa Senhora da Conceição Church and Nossa Senhora da Piedade Church. Near these churches, there is the São Francisco Convent, from the 13th century, recently recovered from its long history of destruction and reconstruction.

In addition to all the monuments at your disposal to visit, you can (and should!) also enjoy the gastronomy of the capital of Ribatejo. The Tagus river is a key element of the region and, therefore, river fish stand out in the kitchen, with eels (fried or in stew) or lamprey. In this area where cattle graze, meat stew is also a specialty. Regarding sweets, they stand out for being made with lots of eggs and sugar.

It is evident that, being in Ribatejo, you must complement these dishes with a good wine from the region. Almeirim, Cartaxo, Santarém, Chamusca and Coruche are the main producers of wine in Ribatejo.

There are many and diverse farm activities that you can enjoy in the capital of Ribatejo, for all tastes and all ages, throughout this calm and welcoming district.

Present in the city of Santarém, we have two activities available, both aiming to please your taste buds. You can enjoy a tour in a Strawberry Farm, where the farmer’s main goal is to produce and sell natural products of high quality and excellence. On this tour, you’ll start with a guided visit, followed by a practical production and nutrition workshop. You will also have the opportunity to harvest your own strawberries and taste them, as well as liqueurs and sweets.

Strawberry Farm Tour

The other experience consists in Tasting Olive Oil and Picking Olives. This is a culinary activity that allows you to learn how to make olive oil and pick the olives yourself. It stars with a guided visit, followed by a practical olive oil workshop and a harvesting experience.

Moving on to Cartaxo, we offer five activities for you to enjoy in this small town. If spending a day in the true Portuguese countryside while learning about a new agriculture movement focused mainly on sustainability, then you have plenty of choice when it comes to our farm activities. You can enjoy an Organic Experience, as well as a Farm-to-Table Experience, learn about Permaculture or even about Organic Figs. All these activities include a guided tour and food preparation. A real treat for food lovers!

Organic Farm Tour

Lastly, but certainly not least, we offer a Premium Wine Tasting Experience. You will hear all about the history of the winery and taste three to four wines and liqueur wines. A workshop of homemade bread or confection of homemade sweets is included, as well as lunch (typical dish of the region, torricado, baked salted codfish or rabbit).

Wine Tasting Tour

Another town present in our activities is Torres Novas. Here, you can discover how to grow Shiitake Mushrooms with a workshop and a harvesting experience. This experience ends with a mushroom tasting (obviously!).

Shiitake Mushroom Tour

Another experience we provide gives you the opportunity to learn about snail production, to pick and taste these fascinating mollusks.

Snail Farm Tour

A Hydroponic Farm Experience is also available in Torres Novas, where you can visit greenhouses full of horticultural and aromatic plants, sow and harvest and receive an offer of hydroponic products.

Hydroponic Farm Tour

In Rio Maior, you can visit an Organic Herb Farm, where you are entitled to a guided visit, cutting and harvesting experience, infusion test and a visit to the drying warehouse.

Organic Herbs Farm Tour

Located in the heart of Ribatejo, in the village of Golegã, you can enjoy an amazing experience in a Corn Farm. Through this experience, you will learn about the history of the farm, as well as benefit from an appetizer with the producer. Then, you’ll visit the facilities, see how technology works (tractors without drivers, drones, etc.), visit a cornfield, the field of aromatic herbs and the farm store.