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Things to do in Lisbon: Be a Beekeeper for a Day

Beekeeping is the art of breeding bees that aims to produce honey, propolis, pollen, beeswax and poison. Besides, and not least, bees are very important pollinators.

Discover the Love for Bees

The Bee always played an essential role in nature, despite being a well-known insect and devalued by many,has also played an important role in the world of humans.


In ancient history, a man picking honey from hives of wild bees during the process destroys those hives. This has never been a problem is like any other sport made in nature.

Destroy this one, go to another one there … But, many thousands of years ago, man learned to harness the power of bees to produce their delicious nectar – Honey. It is difficult to know when beekeeping, or bee keeping, has in fact become a structured process, but today many people get involved with beekeeping as a business. Many others simply learn to start with beekeeping because it is a nice exercise.

And is there a part-time sweeter than this?

If by chance you do not have a good understanding of beekeeping, and launched yourself from parachutes to the hobby, which is also not impossible to happen. Imagine all the practical, and difficult aspects that you will have, and you will have to decide, believe us, it will not be a simple search that will teach you everything you need. For starters, what would you do with the 20,000 Bees now on your property? In a single hive?

It is very easy to build an artificial beehive, or buy a hive kit. But before putting the swarm into action, you should thoroughly research the subject, reading, or watching videos.

You can study everything, so you can make the right choices.

  • What equipment will you need?
  • How much of your time, will you need to commit to each stage of colony life?

They do not need us …

Although, it is true that once the colony is installed and in operation, they, for the most part, know how to take care of themselves. But there are other concerns that one should be familiar with. For example, there are diseases that can affect bee colonies or affect the quality and safety of honey production.

Maybe, you can not learn everything there is to learn, just read and research about beekeeping, but it’s the best place to start. After doing a good search, schedule a visit with a local beekeeper.Put your doubts. Ask to tinker in the hives, to hear and see the environment, and simply to let yourself be around the Bees.

You should also be prepared to feel a Bee sting or two. This is an important experience that will show how the body and mind react to such an event. There are also associations of local, regional and national beekeepers who offer a lot of good information. In any case, there is always someone who is willing to help.

So when you’re ready to start beekeeping, and learn all you can, start small, sounds like a good idea, and then learn the rest. Most important, have fun.

Make beekeeping your business or just a hobby you have to know to value.

Appreciate beekeeping

it is very difficult to give value to anything, but we beekeepers or beekeeping lovers need to give value to the work of the bees and ours.

For most everything comes from the supermarket inside a package or jar and just get it.

  • Do not know where it comes from !?
  • What work did you give !?
  • Who did it !?
  • Why did you do it !?
    That’s why I ask

Can you appreciate beekeeping?

Have you seen any work in beekeeping born without the effort, dedication, knowledge and commitment both yours and mainly the bees?

A magic wand of beekeeping

Well, the magic wand that produces Honey, Propolis, Wax, Royal Jelly, Pollen, has not yet been created to pollinate, although their work often seems magical.

The Appreciation of Apiculture must be from each Beekeeper:

Beekeeper, who devotes his time:

  • By learning,
  • Research and experiments,
  • Invest your money in tools and courses;
  • And lend your talent,

His discoveries and knowledge gained over time (and here among us sometimes is a long time),

  • The construction of balanced and sustainable apiaries
  • Yes because each hive is unique and exclusive.

Therefore, present a quality work, a product of excellence and without chemicals!

What to do in Lisbon? Let´s book a beekeeper experience?

Our Farmer is a local beekeeper. Her passion for bees began when she was seven and the grandfather took her for the first time to the apiary. She is the 4th generation beekeeper and she really enjoy sharing the knowledge and experience about bees and beekeeping with others.

What you will do: After introductions, you will learn about how bees live, work and make honey. This a hands-on experience where you will put on a bee suit and have an up close look at the hives. You´ll hold a frame of bees and identify workers and drones and try to find the Queen bee. You´ll learn about the importante of the bees for the planet. You´ll taste different types of honey paired with homemade snacks.

Where you will be: your adventure starts at the courtyard at the farm. Then you´ll suit up and walk over to the apiary which is about 200 meters away. After the visit to the apiary will head back to the courtyard for drinks and snacks.

Location: Loures (30 min from Lisbon)

Duration: 3 hours   Number of people: 2 to 8 PAX

Our experience will include:

  • Arrival at the farm and welcome by the farmer
  • Guided tour of the farm
  • Workshop about hives
  • Visit to the apiary (with bee suit)
  • Honey tasting
  • Lunch at the farm

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