Why You Should Consume More Cabbage?
The ingredient that gives color to the green broth is rich in carotenoids and antioxidant vitamins. In addition to inhibiting the cancerous development at an early stage, it also helps to detoxify the liver.
The leaf kale has a strong tradition in Portuguese cuisine, being widely used in the confection of the typical green broth. Also known as cauliflower, gypsy cabbage, all-purpose cabbage, headless cabbage or chopped cabbage, this type of cabbage is richer in carotenoids and chlorophyll, being a good source of pro-vitamin A, vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.
It is widely used in Portugal (mainly in the north) to make green soup and to accompany other dishes such as Portuguese stew or feijoada. Like most cabbages, it prevents the incidence of some types of cancer because it has glucosinolates, which determine the aroma and prevent the onset of cancer.
These are cabbages with large leaves that are removed throughout the year. The plants can reach about two meters high during the vegetative phase. This growth occurs when the leaves of the lower nodes go falling or being harvested. This type of cabbage is more rustic and adapts better to abandoned or newly manured land. The flowers are hermaphrodite, self-fertile, and mostly pollinated by bees.
Cabbages have been consumed since prehistoric times, there are 4000 before the current Christian era. In ancient Rome a lot of cabbage was consumed following the state of intoxication, which was later proven to have a detoxifying effect on the liver. These cabbages can last for more than four years and generally reach great heights, reaching up to five meters.
This cabbage adapts to many types of soils, but prefers medium or loamy soils, loose and well drained. The pH should be 6.5-7.5. It enjoys sun, it has the flowering in long days, with more than 12 hours. You can harvest it for most of the year in the case of the leaves and between the months of February and March, in the case of the greens. The leaves will be cut manually as soon as they are expanded. In our Biological Farm we have this and other species, come to know our producer!
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